Matching People to Jobs is critical for superior performance and retention
It is difficult and aggravating to hire the wrong candidate. Poor job fit results in lost productivity and excessive attrition – both costly issues for today’s organizations.
Why do we so often hire the wrong person for the job?
Often, the hiring manager and the soon to be manager of the candidate is not clear about what is required to perform the job successfully. When there is lack of clarity concerning any aspect of the job or the person needed for the job, managers opt for candidates they like. The manager gravitates to a style they like or with whom they feel most comfortable. We also hire
candidates who seem to know people in the industry best but may not be best suited for the position.
Another reason for hiring the wrong candidate is that they have prepared well and have sold themselves well during the interview. And (unfortunately) far too often managers sometimes know the candidate is not an ideal fit, but place them in the job anyway stating that we don’t have time or there will never be the “right” candidate. So, the question becomes, “How can you prevent hiring
the wrong candidate in your organization?”
Learn more about how too effectively benchmark the job and match the right person to the job. Learn about our validated job benchmarking process. See sample reports. Understand how to best use and leverage this invaluable information. Job benchmarking is the most important step in a successful selection (and retention) process. Have you ever hired someone that didn’t meet your expectations?
Have you ever wished that you had a better understanding of what is required for job performance excellence?
1. Define the ‘core’ needs of the job including things like experience, knowledge, training and education. Of course, a background check needs to be performed.
2. Develop a list of 3 – 6 key accountabilities or goals for this job. These are those things that must be done and that will impact the business. Key Accountabilities are the reason the job exists. They must be measurable. Often this essential practice is most often neglected or minimized.
3. Benchmark the job. Use objective information to help eliminate bias. Job benchmarking is more than simply evaluating your
top performers in the job. Identify components like behaviors, motivators, business acumen, emotional intelligence and professional skills necessary for superior performance. Using the benchmark and the reports generated from the assessment reports, you will have
great information with which to identify and coach top performers into even greater performance or for succession planning purposes.
4. Assess your top job candidates (internal and external) against the benchmark. Using the right process and system,
assessing candidates’ soft skills is easier today than ever before. You can have the candidate complete our assessments from anywhere there is Internet access. And you will have their reports within minutes. The candidate’s reports can then be reviewed for with alignment with the benchmark which makes your analysis easy and quick. In areas that are marginal, the candidate’s reports will guide you in asking interviewing questions that target the soft skills that are most important to success in the job.
Are soft skills really important in jobs?
The answer is YES! We hire for skills and fire for attitudes (soft skills). There was a time when it wasn’t very fashionable in business to focus on soft skills. The trend was to focus on hard skills (Can they DO the task required?). Today, though, we have matured and understand that soft skills (sometimes called personal skills) usually have more to do with success and failure in a job than hard skills. Soft skills comprise a person’s job attributes, their motivators and their behaviors.
The right assessments are the key to successful hiring.
The right assessments can help you objectively understand a candidate’s attributes, competencies, motivators and behaviors. Comparing a candidate’s assessment reports to the needs of the job (benchmark) will help you understand how good – or poor – a fit the candidate will be for the job. Assessments help you get behind the resume and the candidate’s interviewing facade. The right assessments will provide a rich body of information which you can use to help you continue the interviewing process and make your decision. The information you get from the right assessment reports can serve as coaching guides or an onboarding manual for those candidates you hire or incumbents you are developing. Time and time again, our clients using our assessments feel as if they couldn’t effectively make a hiring decision today without the information received from our assessment reports. These reports have saved our clients from making terrible hiring mistakes.
Learn about our validated job benchmarking process. See sample reports. Understand how to best use and leverage this invaluable information.
Contact Barbara Ann Sharon, Training Edge at basharon@trainingedge.comor call 610-454-1557.