1. Consulting
At Training Edge, we understand that resources can be challenged. Most organizations need to do more with less. Many organizations would like to maximize their talent at work and engage in more training and development initiatives; however, they lack capacity, expertise, or the need is simply temporary and do not wish to invest in full time staff. Click here to learn more about our consulting services.
2. Training Programs and Workshops
Click on the Training Edge Course Catalog to download a copy today!
We specialize in assessing needs and then customizing training programs that meet those needs. This means that the examples, role-plays, and case studies are realistic and appropriate for the audience.
3. Instructional Design
Training Edge helps you tackle the challenge of developing learning programs that deliver the right content through the proper medium at the optimal time – assuring high retention and a successful outcome. We have experienced performance consultants and instructional designers on staff to create and develop effective content and supporting materials that suit your specific objectives, work for your audience, and make a strong impact. Click here to learn more about our approach and methodology.
4. Needs Analysis
Training needs analysis is the first stage in the training process and involves a procedure to determine whether training will indeed address the problem that has been identified.
Too often, organizations are quick to jump into a training solution without fully knowing or understanding the situation. We believe in the Return of Investment (ROI). Before you spend your money, we believe that you need to explore the reason(s) “why”. Many times, training may not be the right answer. Our Training Analysis process is comprehensive, effective, and worth the investment. We have skilled, experienced professionals educated in the leading approaches and techniques to create a solid and insightful needs analysis. Click here to receive a special example of one of our sets of Training Edge’s Needs Analysis Interview Questions.
5. Key Note Speaking
Looking for a motivational speaker? Do you want a presentation that engages the audience at a high level and leaves people feeling inspired and ready to act?
Training Edge has a bank of stellar key note speakers that continue to achieve rave reviews and repeat requests year after year. Our speakers have deep expertise in a wide variety of industries, companies, and topics. They are committed to customizing their presentations so that the content is highly relevant and the audience commits to immediate transfer of learning. Sample and Recent Topics include:
• Put Your Best Foot Forward
• Women Make Better Leaders
• Understanding Teams and the Dynamic of Teams
• Emotional Intelligence – It’s More Important than You Think
• Are you Sharing Your Brownies? Bringing Your Full Self to Work
• Creating Authenticity at Work
• Networking for Life
• Click! The Art of Collaboration
• Motivation Precedes Behavior – Understanding Your Employees
• Influencing Others for Positive Action
• Insight Selling
• Finding Your Mentor
6. Coaching
Remember the result when someone in your life supports you, maybe even pushed you a little to achieve a higher level? Remember the result when someone in your life had confidence in you even when you didn’t? You exceeded…even your own expectations. We all need help, support, and some focused attention from time to time. Coaching is a developmental process to assist professionals and executives in increasing their effectiveness, improving their business relationships, and meeting their goals. This process addresses aspects of professional success and influence including (but not limited to) fulfilling commitments, team building, relationship building, and skills that are necessary to achieve goals to engage, inspire, and influence the perceptions, thinking, behavior and performance of others. We have a certified coaching staff designed to support the career development of the internal learning, HR, and management professional. We work with you to determine your goals and put a strategic coaching development plan in place. We understand your world and help you to bring it to life with our Training EDGE Coaching Process. Click here to learn more about the EDGE Coaching Process.
7. Women’s Initiatives
At Training Edge, we understand that many organizations would like to engage in a stronger commitment to women’s initiatives to ensure they maximize the impact of their work; however, they don’t always know where to focus or how to achieve the greatest return on effort investment.
For this reason, we have joined forces with market leaders who specialize in women’s initiatives and empowering women to be stronger contributors in and outside the workplace. Our goal is to work with organizations to leverage the talent of women through a customized solution that meets their needs and desired. Click here to learn more about our Women’s Initiatives.