One training solution does not fit all. Even within a shared topic, there are individual preferences and skill sets that need to be realized for advanced performance. Top performers have one thing in common. They know themselves well and know how to capitalize on their strengths and leverage their talents to create desired results. The Training Edge is certified and uses the best assessment and benchmark tools in the industry. We know how to use these tools as a stand alone or in conjunction with our stellar learning ladder programs. We help people and organizations to recognize the talents that are present and identify any gap areas. Assessments bring the science to the art of employee development, retention, and selection process. The key to successful talent management and personal growth is knowledge of each person’s unique behaviors, values, skills, and talents. With this knowledge, people and teams can be effectively coached and taught by maximizing strengths to achieve the organization’s goals. Below is a sampling of the Assessment Tools that we offer to help our clients meet their needs.
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Assessment Tools
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DISC – is an assessment tool that not only defines unique behavior, but guides the employee and manager in leveraging behavior for success. With this capability, this versatile management tool can be used to hire the right person, get employees off to a fast start, revitalize current employees, improve communication and build sound employee-manager relationships. Team and Comparison Reports Available
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$65 – $215
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Workplace Motivators: How can you place the right people in the right jobs and motivate them to achieve more for the organization? The answers to these questions are all based on values. Values are the drivers behind our behavior; what motivates our actions. Values are beliefs held so strongly that they affect the behavior of an individual or an organization. This Values Assessment will provide insight to WHY your employees do what they do. With this information, you can satisfy their inner drive.
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Sample Report
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Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Assessment: The EQ report focuses on five areas within interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to understand oneself, while interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand others. In the business environment, EQ is important because it helps to leverage awareness of emotions for workplace effectiveness across five categories: Self Awareness, Self-Regulation, Motivation, Empathy, and Social Skills.
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Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ – is the official training program based on the bestselling book, Five Dysfunctions of a Team and has a simple goal: To facilitate a learning experience that helps professionals and their organizations discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team. The central element of the training program is the DiSC-powered Five Behaviors personal profile, which guides teams towards better engagement and higher performance.
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$4000 for a team up to 10
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Innovation Styles Assessments recognizing the different ways we like to innovate is a key to working together successfully – in a workgroup or in an organization. We all have our unique approach to meeting a creative challenge, using our own mixture of four Innovation Styles; Visioning, Modifying, Exploring, and Experimenting. Please see our solutions for Individuals and Teams.
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Stages of Growth – TTI SI’s Stages of Growth reports allow you to critically assess a company’s past, present and future decisions to get the company and leadership focused on the right things at the right time. Identify the hidden agents — defined as 27 challenges — that are impacting the company’s ability to grow, and develop a plan to solve those issues.
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27 Challenges Report
Builder Protector Report
Leadership Rules Report
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Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) is a conflict style inventory, which is a tool developed to measure an individual’s response to conflict situations. The TKI measures a person’s behavioral choices in conflict situations: competing, collaborating, compromising, avoiding, and accommodating.
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StrengthsFinder® – is an assessment tool to identify one’s unique strengths and talents. Talents are people’s naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. The stronger the theme, the greater the impact on that person’s performance. This tool is designed to surface one’s core talents to leverage within an organization.
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Sample Report
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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) – is the most trusted personality test available today. This customized report will assist with career planning, goal setting, making decisions, time management, and understanding your social interactions and much more. Team MBTI reports and programs available.
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Strength Deployment Inventory® (SDI) – TotalSDI – is a suite of easy-to-use and easy-to-understand assessment tools that allow people to unlock the mysteries of personal motivation so they can become better leaders, build stronger teams, and more effectively deal with the inevitable conflicts that arise at work. TotalSDI is rooted in the theory of Relationship Awareness®, a self-learning model for effectively and accurately understanding and inferring the motive behind the behavior.
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$70 – $100
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360° Assessment – 360-degree feedback is a method of systematically collecting opinions about a person’s performance from a wide range of respondents, such as customers, coworkers, and colleagues. We can create an online 360º customized survey to suit your specific needs to fully customizable feedback tool to gather input about job performance from an individual’s internal (e.g. manager, subordinates, peers) and external (e.g. customers, vendors) audiences.
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Sample Report
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363° Inscape Assessment Research-validated online assessment with a 22+ page 360° profile, including DISC, helps leaders understand how others see them, using intuitive, easy-to-read visuals, rich cuts of data and feedback breakdowns, plus three personalized strategies for effectiveness.
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Time Mastery Profile® – is a complete assessment tool that helps individuals set priorities and manage their time more effectively. This assessment tool helps people evaluate their time-management effectiveness in 12 critical areas such as goal setting, time wasters, meetings, and interruptions.
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Sample Report
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Sales Skills Index Can they sell? Do they understand the sales process? Are they treating each sales situation the way top salespeople do? Sales Skills Index will answer all those questions and more. Sales Skills Index evaluates the seven different steps in the sales process ( Prospecting, First Impressions, Qualifying, Demonstration, Influence, Close, and General) Don’t you want to know the skill level of your sales force to identify potential areas of growth and opportunity?
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Sample Report
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Emergenetics® – is based on research that indicated we are born “pre-wired” with traits to act and think in certain ways. We modify these traits as we interact with our environment. The combination of our experiences and genetics intertwine to form recognizable patterns. Emergenetics® is the science-based tool that explains these brain and thinking patterns.
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Sample Report
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Discovering Diversity Profile® – helps organizations meet diversity challenges through self-awareness, understanding, and commitment. This assessment tools helps individuals explore their own viewpoints on workforce diversity in four key areas: Knowledge, Understanding, Acceptance, and Behavior.
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Sample Report

United Earth
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Cultural Intelligence Profile Organizational effectiveness is increasingly dependent on people who can be effective and respectful in a variety of cultural situations. Using the evidence-based assessment of cultural intelligence (CQ), you can assess and develop CQ on an individual and organizational level.
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